Let’s give your company
the positioning it deserves.

You have created something great, so why are you playing at the level of your competition? Using a proven process, Firebrick helps reshape the way companies talk about themselves. We help you tell the world who you truly are and why you’re different. Give your business and products the powerful positioning they deserve.

Tell them why you are different

B2B tech positioning to make all the difference.

We are an accelerant

Positioning for growth and category power.

Firebrick helps B2B tech companies accelerate revenue growth and build enduring category leadership. We’re beyond marketing strategies. We deliver breakaway positioning strategies to distinguish you in the minds of your buyers. Change the way you see yourself so others do the same. The result is game-changing.

We get you

Exclusive B2B technology.

Our teams are operational B2B tech marketing leaders with decades of experience. We grasp land/expand selling motions and blended sales models. We love diving deep into technology and bringing your unique genius to life. We speak your language and help you translate it to strike the right chord with your buyers.

We know the path

Fast-track best practices process.

Firebrick leads your executive team through a thorough, fast-track process — refined, collaborative best practices honed by positioning 400+ B2B tech companies. We provoke debate, explore fresh alternatives, share success strategies and ultimately drive alignment around a powerful positioning that is big enough for your company to live into.

We tell the bigger story

Buyer-centric model.

Firebrick helps you get beyond features and functions to the essence you might be too close to see. The bigger story. We bring alive your IP to show buyers how you will change their world. We help you communicate ‘why you matter,’ and make the shift from product-centric to buyer-centric positioning. Start inspiring.

Realize greatness

These are just a few of the 400+ brands that have trusted Firebrick to help them differentiate, accelerate and break away.

  • Revenue up 50%

    MQ leader
  • Acquired for $3B
  • $2.4B valuation

    Disrupt 3D printing/manufacturing
  • Grew 22% revenue

    Record backlog
  • $80M series C/ best MarTech company

    Win/loss improved 25%
  • 97% YOY ARR

    153% Growth in net-new customers
  • $6B valuation

    Tripled average selling price
  • AI revenue rose to $1.4B

    Up 37%
  • 46% increase in subscription revenue

    Closed largest deal in Europe
  • $700M cash acquisition by Workday

    Doubled win/loss ratio
  • 30% growth, 50% of F500, $1.1B exit

    64 customers with ARR greater than 500K
  • Gartner MQ Leader

    70% year-over-year growth
  • Achieved $4B revenue

    Disruption of FIN/HCM market category

Positioning problems? Some common symptoms

Positioning pains are inevitable for any growth company. Do any of these sound familiar?

  • It takes 38 slides and a demo to explain what you do
  • Every sales rep uses a different deck
  • You are “me too” and sound exactly like your competitors
  • Sales teams are held back by long sales cycles or a “nice-to-have” product
  • You’ve made acquisitions — and need to align around a new vision
  • You are not sure how to create a new category

It takes 38 slides and a demo to explain what you do

Every sales rep uses a different deck

You are “me too” and sound exactly like your competitors

Sales teams are held back by long sales cycles or a “nice-to-have” product

You’ve made acquisitions — and need to align around a new vision

You are not sure how to create a new category

For the leaders who are ready to realize
their full potential


Executives who want to wake up the market with a fresh point of view and a bigger conversation


Companies rising above feature/pricing wars and “me too” checklists in commodity markets


Teams shifting to new selling motions or moving higher in sales cycles to engage executives


Scaling companies who need to tell a repeatable story, engage more buyers and create urgency

Category Creators

Inspired entrepreneurs and innovators helping to forge a new category or business model


Forward-thinkers with a mission to revolutionize an existing category or mindset